Running a small business can be hard work. Not only do you need to take care of clients and deal with customer service, but you also need to ensure any relevant products are sent and delivered promptly.
Doing all this can lead to long hours and endless working days without a break. To grow and be successful, you need to free up time to devote to other aspects of your business. Let us take a look, then, at how you can free up some more of your time when running your company.
Plan your business correctly
Making a business plan and following it through can be hard at the beginning. You will have so much to do that you won’t always have time to spend planning and looking at where your business is right now.
Hiring a business planning consultant can help take the stress out of planning and allow you more time to put that plan into action. It is also a good way of getting an independent opinion of where your business is and where it’s going. This can often be clouded by your personal interest in the business.
They can give you important advice and guidance along with a clear picture of where you need to be in the future to continue growing.
Look to automation
One way that you can get your business up and running is by using automation. This will help you run the company without hiring more people than you can afford. Automation can be done in a variety of ways, including in your firm’s packaging department.
By using technology to help customers place orders, packing the products using industrial packaging systems and having couriers to deliver them, you can save a lot of time.
Another area that lends itself to automation is working with suppliers. By using software to order and track supplies when they are needed, you can negate the need to manually check your stock. You can also ensure that orders are placed and invoices paid without any delay.
Hire a financial director and accountant
Dealing with finances can be a burden to a new business owner. It can be something that you have never had experience with before, which can make the process a headache trying to make sense of all the rules and regulations.
To make this easier and keep you compliant with the law, it is highly recommended that you find a reliable accountant and finance director to oversee the financial aspect of your company. They will have the knowledge you need plus the experience to help you claim what you can for your company while paying what you owe.
Having a third party involved will also help you to stay on track and not overspend. This is especially important for new businesses but will also benefit any company looking to expand.
Take the time to rest
Running a company, especially when you are just starting out, can mean a 24/7 commitment. However, it is vital that you learn early on to schedule breaks into your routine. Without enough rest and relaxation, you will be taxing the body and mind too much. This can lead to poor decision making and mistakes.
Find something that can help you to relax and take time out without constantly thinking about work. Ensure that you are not answering the phone or dealing with emails, just relaxing and unwinding.
Planning regular breaks into your daily routine will help you recharge your batteries and ensure you are ready to work again when you return.
Stay organised
You can find a lot more time to work and do the other things you love if you get organised. Having a routine and a plan in place for each day will help you to stay ahead of any problems that might arise.
You should also ensure you have an organised office and workplace. This will help you to find important documents and increase safety for your workers. Being well-organised will also ensure less time is wasted and more time is spent being productive.
Set yourself a plan at the beginning of the week for every task that you need to complete. Then, allocate time to it and ensure you stick to the plan. This can even include time to relax and exercise.
Creating more time in the day is something we all want to achieve. However, by delegation, planning and setting goals, you can find more time to do the other things you want to do in your life, in addition to helping your business survive and thrive.