THE SIXTH and final installment to the Jurassic Park film series unites two generations of protagonists. The new adventure takes place four years after Isla Nublar was destroyed and the dinosaurs now live and hunt alongside humans. Directed by Colin Trevorrow, the film stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Laura Dern, Sam Niell, Jeff Goldblum, Daniella Pineda, and Campbell Scott. Variety’s Clayton Davis wrote on Twitter, “…it doesn’t matter what I say about #JurassicWorldDominion — it’s going to make so much money. It defies logic. It’s a movie where things just happen and people know things ‘because’ — smoke a joint, go drunk and have the time of your life. Nostalgia on overdrive.” Review aggregate site Rotten Tomatoes gives it a score of 70%.
MTRCB Rating: PG