Editor's PickInvesting

Taylor Appelbaum Discusses His Successful Career In Corporate Patent Law

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Taylor Appelbaum is an experienced attorney, specializing in corporate patent law.

After earning his law degree from Stanford University, Mr. Appelbaum relocated to Chicago, Illinois, where he accepted a position working for a prominent law firm.

There, he spent ten years practicing under some of the best attorneys in the city while harnessing his unique skill set. Eventually, he made the decision to open his own practice and has built lasting relationships with hundreds of loyal clients.

Mr. Appelbaum and his wife Aisha, are happily married with two children. In his spare time he enjoys horseback riding and his family have an annual tradition of attending the Kentucky derby.

What do you currently do at your company?

I am an attorney who specializes in corporate patent law, meaning I safeguard the intellectual property rights of my clients. Patent law essentially grants legal protection for new products and inventions. Likewise, as the founder and CEO I oversee all daily operations and ensure that everything is running smoothly.

What was the inspiration behind your business?

I have always been someone who enjoys the fast-paced nature of the legal sector. I am fairly outgoing, so I like interacting with clients on a daily basis. Additionally, I come from a long line of business professionals so I guess you could say that it runs in the family.

What defines your way of doing business?

For me, my number one condition is to operate with transparency. The legal field is complex and there is always a lot of risk involved, so it’s always better to be open and honest with your clients. I really value open communication and I often encourage my clients to contact me directly with any questions or concerns regarding their policies etc. 

What keys to being productive can you share?

Everyone operates differently but I know for me the key to productivity is setting realistic expectations of myself. I realize that a lot of individuals claim that multitasking makes them work more efficiently but I think it is best to focus on one task at a time. I try my best not to bite off more than I can chew. It is about the quality of work you put out. I rather take more time and get something done right the first time.

How do you measure success?

I measure success by the amount of fulfillment I feel in a role. I like to take on positions that challenge me to think outside of the box. My career is highly rewarding and I am fortunate that I have the opportunity to work alongside so many talented individuals. 

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned through the course of your career?

Never take advice from others. There are so many success stories out there but there is one thing that that all have in common and that is that they all forged their own path. You will always have people trying to give you unsolicited advice but it is best to trust your own instincts. Find a mentor to provide you with some educated advice, but at the end of the day trust in yourself to make the right decision.

What advice would you give to others aspiring to succeed in your field?

Never let anyone take advantage of you. Early on in my career I didn’t have tough enough skin for the legal landscape, but experience changed that. No day in this field is easy, but that’s also what makes it exciting. If you want to be an attorney you have to make self-reflection a part of your weekly schedule.

What are some of your favorite things to do outside of work?

I am most definitely a family-oriented individual, and I am happily married with a wife and two children. We really enjoy horseback riding and every year we make a plan to head down to the Kentucky Derby as a family to watch the races.

What are a few influential books you’ve read and/or websites you keep up with that you’d recommend

The book I would recommend is Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill. I am a big believer in maintaining a positive attitude and this book provides some compelling insight into the benefits of doing so and how it can lead to personal success. I encourage anyone who may need some extra motivation to pick up a copy.

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