
AI platform to solve the pain of recruitment manual work launched

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Recruiting and hiring talent is one of the most important HR functions. Currently, employer demand for workers remains high in the Philippines and is fueling the trend known as the Great Resignation in our side of the world. This means recruiters are making ends meet to ensure quality talent are properly identified and promptly hired before the competition.

But this is easier said than done given an average recruiter spends at least 3-5 hours every working day for CV or resume screening as well as initially interviewing applicants. This is the most manually intensive portion of the process. The time utilized at this phase by recruiters could have been applied to other priorities.

This insight inspired MetroCity AI to develop a recruitment platform that solves the pain of long hours spent on CV screening and initial virtual interviews. Companies can make use of the asynchronous video interview (AVI) functionality in the platform to invite applicants to record themselves on camera as they answer questions related to culture-fit, behavior, and skills provided by the company.

The submitted applicant videos are then processed by the platform. The applicants with answers that align with the company continues on to the next steps. Since it uses AI, the platform further refines the answers and profiles that would pass the screening process resulting to a more robust screening system unique to a company as it processes more applicants.

The platform also has a CV screening function that can match unprocessed CVs to the job opportunities in the company. Once matched, it will send an invite to the pre-screened applicants to take the asynchronous video interview at their own time.

Just this April 2022, MetroCity AI released a Freemium package for companies to take advantage on. This means, companies can utilize the platform absolutely free.

MetroCity AI is part of the Batch 10 startups of UP Diliman’s UPSCALE Incubation Program. They are one of the recipients of the Accenture startup grant via UP Engineering Research and Development Foundation, Inc. (UPERDFI) and UPSCALE Innovation Hub.

For more information and to sign-up for a freemium account, you can visit You can also email the founders at

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