Editor's PickInvesting

Mobile Apps for Entrepreneurs: TOP-5

2 Mins read

Small businesses have to work at high speeds, and the leader has to do a lot of things at the same time.

Business applications help make some day-to-day operations easier. A smart calendar, a professional text editor, access to documents from anywhere in the world, and many other features of mobile applications make the life of modern entrepreneurs much easier.

In the era of “smart” gadgets, the number of mobile applications is growing every day. Among the myriad of programs, some can greatly simplify your business. In this review, we will tell you about cool apps for entrepreneurs.

What Tasks Can Be Solved in Mobile Apps?

1) Signing documents online

With the help of sign.eco app, one can forget worries about signing documents. It is enough to download it and insert your signature into documents every time you need it. And then send the signed agreement or act by mail or in social networks to the addressee. There is another option: sign each time with your finger or a stylus. Choose what you like best.

2) Pay taxes and submit reports

The relationship with the tax office is perhaps the most boring duty. Unfortunately, there is no escape from it. You can pay taxes via Internet banking, and create reports on the relevant site, through government services, or online accounting. In any case, to do this, you need to get access to the computer. With the application, it all comes down to a couple of taps. You can send both money and reports whenever convenient: at home, on the go, on holidays. You are free to complete all these tasks via a single remote accounting app or use separate tools. For example, you can use ATO Tax Calculator for this purpose.

3) Track tasks and manage projects

Now, more and more entrepreneurs manage the working processes and tasks of employees via electronic services. It is convenient to track the progress of tasks, read the comments of employees and correct their actions from a smartphone, especially when you are on vacation, on the road, at a business meeting, or on vacation with your family. Application examples:

Meister task

4) Monitor telephone conversations with clients

You won’t surprise anyone with virtual PBXs. This way of organising corporate telephony is simpler, more flexible, and cheaper than the traditional one. Companies without a physical office, warehouse, or retail outlet have no choice. Such tools distribute calls between employees, record conversations, store call history, integrate with CRM, and have other useful functions, the set of which depends on a specific solution. For example, you can choose between Freeje and Menetalk Business.

5) Fix information and ideas

An entrepreneur’s head is filled with thoughts of business development 24/7. At any moment, a brilliant idea may flash, important information arrives, or a useful link in the browser comes across. Trying to keep everything in your head is a bad idea, something will definitely be forgotten.

Mobile applications are much more functional than paper alternatives — you can sort notes, links, documents, and photos by folders and tags, and quickly find what you need using a keyword search. When you need to quickly note something on the go, voice recording comes in handy. Application examples:

Google Keep,
Light Notes,
Microsoft OneNote.

In Conclusion

We hope that these apps will help you run your business from a smartphone. They proved to be helpful in many situations and received a lot of positive feedback. What mobile apps do you use, and how do they help your business? Or maybe there are tasks that you would like to solve on your smartphone, but have not yet found a suitable solution? Let’s discuss it in the comments.

Read more:
Mobile Apps for Entrepreneurs: TOP-5

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